Event Arguments

When you write functions for given, change, keep or select, you can name what arguments you want to use. You can choose from these arguments:

  • space

  • atom

  • element

  • origin (the space that is calling the event)

  • self (the atom that is calling the event)

  • Self (the element that is calling the event)

  • selected (a value that was returned by a select function of the same symbol)

  • x (the relative x-value of the space)

  • y (the relative y-value of the space)

  • z (the relative z-value of the space)

  • sites (an array containing all spaces in the origin's event window)

  • siteNumber (the site index of this space)

  • time (the number of event cycles that have happened since page load)

The arguments below are mainly used for internal purposes, but are still available:

  • transformationNumber (when using a symmetry block, the current transformation number)

  • possibleSiteNumbers (when using an any block, an array containing possible site numbers for this space)

  • possibleXs (when using an any block, an array containing possible relative x-values for this space)

  • possibleYs (when using an any block, an array containing possible relative y-values for this space)

  • possibleZs (when using an any block, an array containing possible relative z-values for this space)

  • transformationNumbers (when using a for block, an array containing transformation numbers)

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